Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Stop Liking What I Don't Like!!!

For the first time in decades, I actually ended up getting into a popular television show. I'm usually about 5-6 years behind on the cool television shows, and honestly don't spend all that much time watching...well, "live" television, anyway. *self-satisfied sniff. joking. i'm joking.*

There's been many, many series I caught up on and appreciated later. Sex and the City, for one. Star Trek is another.

Now that everyone has access to everyone's thoughts and feelings and musings at every given second, it's basically just not okay to express any feelings, ever. Oh, but please don't be shy! BE YOURSELF. However, don't offend anybody. Yet, beeeeee yourself! Hey, you're awesome! Hey, you're an idiot. You're BEAUTIFUL. You're ugly as shit. No, but please...speak your mind! OH BUT I'M HURT BY WHAT YOU SAID!!!!

I honestly don't believe we, as human beings, are meant to process this strange, extreme state of constant info/opnion bombardment we've found ourselves in.

It's a good thing, to some extent, to live in such a critically-thinking world, but come off it with the passive-aggressive attacks towards people who might have enjoyed [breakingbad]. No, I apologize, I don't muse about what's going on in the government on the social media Interwebz. I don't post mushy shit about my family or my boobs or my stuffed monkey every second (although those are all wonderfully criticized, too).  Do we need yet another voice out there harping and lolly-gaggin' about shit that folks are already harping and lolly-gaggin' about in your blue and white daily scroll?

No, not really. Now I am a hypocrite. But we all freakin' are.

Thing is, if I, or Peter, or perhaps a little overly-excited Sally happened to fully enjoy the Breaking Bad series, and possibly made a comment or two (or a silly Bitstrip...oh yeah, but those are stupid, too...no, but they're HILARIOUS!) - get off our dicks about it. Get off a few dicks and perhaps focus on getting off your own, or your husband's, for the love of gawd.

It was one of those refreshing instances in where it was a complete sleeper that ended up becoming popular and widely-acclaimed because it...get this...1) actually lived up to the hype the whole way through, 2) had legitamtely great writing, 3) had really fantastic, talented, gifted acting and 4) hello, power-pop/unsung musical hero community - "Baby Blue" by Badfinger is now on the charts again thanks to this stupid show.

This was a soul-gripping adventure the entire way through. I'm probably wrong, but I believe it started around 2008 or so. I would propose a non-educated guess that 89% of folks weren't really aware of it until it was available streaming on Netflix. And guess what? We bit. And we enjoyed it. So, fuck us. Fuck us for liking something POPULAR!!!1one! for one goddamn instance in our lives.

That doesn't mean that I'm blinding myself to all the shit going on in this ridiculous, fucked-out world. If I don't post about all of my musings and political thoughts on the Information Super Highwayz, well, shit...I'm just another sheep like the rest of them, I guess. Please, please, PLEASE. Judge me entirely on what I post on the Facebagz.

So, seriously, guys - get off each other's dicks for a second. People are into what they're into. Leave it be. Some people are all about their pets. Some are all about their family. Some are all about pink elephants and circuses and midgets and really weird, fucked-up pornography. Some are all about cats in 80's sunglasses floating through space. Some are really, really, really into Alex Lifeson or pissing on Obama toilet seats in their spare time. People are weird.

Perhaps I might be better off exploding at some random person because they posted picture #45,285 of their cat, or child, or new home, or new car, or new wife. Or new commuter mug.

There's two groups of folks that have driven me insane with this whole thing. The "OMGZ NO SPOILERZZZZ!!!" folks who apparently don't know how to avert their eyeballs away from text on a screen. I get it, I'm always way behind on everything. I just don't look at the stuff. Why is that difficult?


Shut up about your shutting up, to which I will say shut up to my ranting, and will tell myself to shut up. I encourage everyone to think this way.

It was just very, very refreshing to have an authentically well-crafted artform to escape and look forward to. Thus, I will ask again.

Get off our genital regions, because you're on them in a harsh, annoying way, about something we might have found ourselves enjoying. Because you post about shit that you enjoy - and, fuck - how DARE you enjoy ANYTHING in life?! Who do you think you are?!?!

Thank you.

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