Friday, March 8, 2013

I shouldn't share anything. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

I don't know if I've just been spending way too much time on the road just hanging out with me, myself and my brain, but I've been thinking a LOT lately. Although I appear as though I never think, I really, actually do.

I think a lot of folks think of me as some drunken, blubbering idiot who just plays drums and laughs for hours on end about Nelson videos and Grumpy Cat. And that's actually totally okay with me.

But I think too goddamn much. And this overloads my already limited brain capacity. Then I type too fast and overshare and say too many things on the ol' Facebook that I'm sure has made people roll their eyes, sigh heavily, experience hemorrhoidal issues, or have caused me to be BLOCKED!!!!!1onebl0ckk!!!11

Actually, the blonde's slowly coming back in, thank Christ, so perhaps that will give me some sort of leeway.

Anyway. What is going on? Why are we all going completely nuts?

I am definitely a child of the Ultrawebz/Information Super Highway - I mean - The Internet, and got online as far back as 1994 or so. Prodigy classic, bitches! Back before you could even create your own email, and you got a random pish-posh of numbers and letters. BKCF90B was my "handle". So I've definitely seen more than my share of trolling.

I went through a few attacks here and there on LiveJournal. Remember LiveJournal? The first opportunity to really overshare all our insignificant daily goings-on. But in paragraphs rather than Tweets or status updates.

I wrote some entry about how I was scared to death I was pregnant. At that time, I was 22, going through school, living at home, miserable, broke, and lost as a human being. Weren't we all, more or less? So of course I poured all my thoughts out. Not a lot of people read it - just close friends.

However, there was, naturally the one pussy "Anonymous" troll saying, "Get an ABORTION U ST00P1D CUNT OMG UR SO STUPID!!!"

This was also the time when I started wearing tin foil hats because I went to the Doctor to get the pregnancy test and I was FREAKING OUT because although I was a dumb-ass kid at the time, I was also smart enough to know that I was in NO shape, way, or form to be able to handle a child. So I was nervous and freaking out a bit at the results.

The Doc thought I was insane and out of line for being nervous and strongly advised I start taking antidepressants right there. Fuck you, cunt, with your Paxil pens and Paxil clipboards. And this insanity goes on today, even moreso. General Practitioners with ZERO training in mental health issues tossing out the antidepressants, right and left, after a 2 minute interaction. Awesome. I guess this is part of it.

With the childhood obesity epidemic, you don't ever hear anyone digging into the psychological underlyings of WHY these kids are using food to fill whatever's missing in their soul/heart/person. Nah, we just target McDonald's and crap, and spend countless hours coming up with a law to 24 oz. sodas but allow 16 oz. sodas. Or whatever the hell.

That kind of stuff was a treat when I was growing up. Hell, SODA was a freakin' treat growing up. McDonald's has been around forever - and you can argue the soda's are bigger and the Supersizing and all of that, but the point is, the menu hasn't changed too much since 1972.

I digress. A lot. And it's not my point.

<So what IS your point, ass hat?!>

Now we have a society that is based strongly on celebrity worship. We build them up and up and up and spend hours watching and reading about every single facet of their lives. Then we just giggle with GLEE when they act like a human being and fuck up. It's a lot like the primitive Aztec cultures where they'd build up their Gods and then celebrate by throwing them into fire.

So we're supposedly technologically advanced and this and that - yet, so many core behaviors are pretty much the same.

We put a hell of a lot of energy into things we supposedly hate. I see a lot of artists on here I respect yet spend SO much time and effort bashing other artists. Mostly successful ones, because they're an easy target. I'm not a Justin Bieber/Nickleback/whatever fan in the least, but I respect and admire their success. I don't think it makes one clever or stand out from the crowd to come up with yet another Nickleback joke. Fucking yawn. There's SO much amazing talent out there, spanning all genres, and sure, you have to burn some calories to discover it. So do that and fill your soul with awesome music instead of wringing your hands all over that singer's hair. Which I agree, is really, really, horrible, and sometimes I feel he's begging to be made fun of.

But that's beside the point.

I would bet money. GOOD money. That if we took a nation-wide Internet poll right now, Chris Dorner would come out ahead of Justin Bieber as far as someone being liked and/or respected. You know, we all love a vigilante killer who found it necessary to share his favorite films and how bummed he'd be missing out on the Hangover 3. And who killed all young people who had nothing to do with his narcissistic manifesto that spoke to the hearts and souls of those who've been shunned and screwed over from society. He wrapped them all around his finger.

So he's ok, no problemo, a "hero" to some...yet, I bet MONEY, and lots of money because as much as I love you Jews, I'm so not Jew-like with the green...that he would come on top over someone like Bieber. Or whoever's in the news this week throwing a punch at the dickheaded Paparazzi.

At this point, I'm sure you want me to shut up, get back behind the drums, and make retarded faces. And share Grumpy Cat. And that's ok, because I still somehow love all you assholes.


  1. Fucking outstanding writing, as per usual. I hope I get updates when you post new stuff... because I love reading your stuff.

  2. Dude. Dude. HUGE kudos coming from you, who I consider a writing MAS-TAH (for real!!!) Thank you!

    BTW I'm so excited to see OTC in all its' glory! \m/
